Climate Governance Initiative

Climate and Nature Disclosure Navigator

The route to successful climate and nature disclosure

Other consolidated climate and nature reporting frameworks and standards

Certain countries and regions have developed their own corporate climate and nature disclosures, generally drawing from or aligning their scope to global standards. Some have a large direct and indirect geographical reach, such as the shown below. For specific information on the legally required disclosure standards in a particular country, see the disclosure map.


Country or region: European Union 
Building blocks: GRI, ISSB 
Materiality: Double materiality - impact and financial materiality  
Compliance: Mandatory 
Applies to: Listed companies on regulated markets within the EU, and indirectly affects organisations in the value chain of those reporting   

The EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is a regulation that sets mandatory disclosure requirements in the region. It requires corporates to disclose following the  European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). 

The ESRS provide a comprehensive picture of the sustainability performance of an organisation. Specifically, the standards cover 12 topics on environmental (including climate, pollution, water, biodiversity and circular economy ), social and governance issues. 

SEC Climate Disclosure

Country or region: United States 
Building blocks: TCFD (partially) 
Materiality: Single materiality - financial materiality  
Compliance: Mandatory 
Applies to: SEC-registered domestic or foreign companies 

The US Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) ruling mandates US public companies and foreign private issuers provide climate-related information, that is material,  in their regular reports and registration statements. The ruling focuses on climate-related risks, their management, and potential financial impacts.  

Some states in the US also have their own disclosure  requirements, with California the farthest advancements and often setting the agenda followed by other states. 
In October 2023, the California Governor signed three climate disclosure laws that will shape climate disclosure practices beyond the state's borders. SB-253 (GHG emissions) and SB-261 (climate risks) apply to US businesses that meet specified revenue thresholds and do business in California.  


Country or region: India 
Building blocks: independent but interoperability with GRI, SABS, IR and TCFD 
Materiality: Double materiality - impact and financial materiality  
Compliance: Mandatory with a voluntary section 
Applies to: The top 1,000 companies by market capitalisation by the Securities Exchange Board of India.  

The Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report (BRSR) guide companies in reporting how they integrate 9 principles into their strategy and decision-making processes. These principles (National Guidelines for Responsible Business Conduct) cover topics on equitable development, transparency, social issues and sustainability (including climate, energy, water, pollution and biodiversity).